Friday, April 25, 2003


I'm not all that thrilled with this template, but if I do change it I will have to copy the customizations I've applied or lose them.

using lowercase

Just read something by Eugene Volkoh about using only lower case in posts and emails and such, which is something I tend to do primarily because its easier to type that way, i.e. I'm a lazy typist, but I think he's right. So I will attempt to capitalize as per standard english. However, my spelling will continue to be a bit poor. But at least my grammar is decent, well except for run-on sentences, over parenthesizing, and other assorted (but not too egregious) offenses.

on the Sen. Rick Santorum thing

actually he was quoted out of context, but only slightly, santorum appears to be making a slippery slope argument (that goes way overboard) as to the decline of "family values". which is incorrect in this case. incest, adultery, yes they can destroy/destablize a family unit, but if its between consenting adults well, i'm not so sure, i fail to see how two male adults (or two female adults for that matter) having sex in a monogomous relationship can destroy/destabilize someone else's family unit or even their own family unit. i have no problem with someone believing or saying that what i do is immoral, perverted, a sin, or whatever because the bible said so. but when you beleive or say that i should be thrown in jail because the bible said so, i have a problem with that. seperation of church and state
also, in the literal sense, a woman giving a man a BJ or a man munching some carpet is also sodomy. definition of words change, 50 years ago the word "party" was only a noun and not a verb the definition a marriage can also change.
his only valid argument is that this issue should be a states rights case, not a federal one, but that too is also debatable. The argument being that the texas law violates the constitution because two men engaging in consentual sodomy is illegal yet man/woman sodomy is not.

i guess the issue here is how far can the courts go to regulate the behaviours of consenting adults.

i also got involved in some off topic comments at

The reason libs have their panties in a bunch over this is not because of the argument he was making at the time but that his words revealed something about his character that libs hate. Namely the conservative-christan-homophobe-hypocrite. its similar to Sen. Lott, the context in which he spoke (a few kind words to Sen Thurman in his b-day) yet his words revealed him to be, as seen by libs, conservative-racist-bigot

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

noticed i actually got some hits other that me (hooray!). i am thinking that this blog will probably be more personal than a news/current events type blog. I will use this to write out my thoughts on subjects and throw my opinion out but it won’t be the pseudo-journalism type, more like editorials by me. And I may also write some personal stuff. I used to like to write at one time, even kept a hand written journal. (it got stolen when someone broke into my car and took my backpack, I always wondered if the thief read it), but I will post links to other news-type blogs that I find and try to expand my link list.