Microbes on Parade
I entered my blog in the
New Weblog Showcase at
Truth Laid Bear. It should be appearing the first week in june. Maybe I can evolve into a multi-cellular organism. I read some of this weeks blogs and I have to say some of these are good, (makes myself look kind of slack), I was especially impressed with some of the customized templates. I loathe dicking with the template I have, (again, pretty bad for a techie), it's just that HTML is such a pain to deal with, I'd rather look at at an abend dump, well maybe not, how about JCL? (end geekspeak).
Any other microbes out there looking for a little consentual reciprocal linking? (safe only, limits respected).
Vote early and vote often.
Update: Apparently I'm already there, but the link is not working (oops, no votes for myself), oh well, maybe I can re-enter next week.
looks like the only archive link that is working is the oldest one, (sigh).
UpUpdate:my bad, I have to archive pages myself and set the settings, permalinks should work now. (this is the point where I get a whack on the back of my head)