Wednesday, January 21, 2004

new virus beagle/bagle going around, on the decline as of today, but update your security and virus patches at and turn off HTML in your email.

Music Wars Scene 27
in which the RIAA says (yet again): I'm gonna getcha
Here comes another set of lawsuits filed by the RIAA, 532 lawsuits this time, a new personal best. However, since they have only IP addresses and not individual names, due to the fact that ISP's have told the RIAA to bugger off, and stop abusing the DMCA, and file your lawsuits like everyone else, it may be more difficult to actually get the individuals names, yet Cary Sherman, is undeterred
The resumed legal campaign was intended to discourage music fans emboldened by last month's federal appeals court decision, which dramatically increased the cost and effort to track computer users swapping songs online and sue them.
"Our campaign against illegal file sharers is not missing a beat," said Cary Sherman, president of the recording association. "The message to illegal file sharers should be as clear as ever."
All 532 lawsuits were filed in Washington and New York — home to Verizon Internet Services Inc. and Time Warner Inc. and a few other prominent Internet providers — although the recording association said it expects to discover through traditional subpoenas that these defendants live across the United States.
It also expects some of the IP's are not readily traceable, and so that's why they filed such a large number of lawsuits. 532 down only 49,999,468 to go guys.

In other related news:
Memo to MPAA (the RIAA of motion pictures)
Online file-trading is going to get worse, too. Finally, on the wide-open Internet, the Napster for movies has been born. It's called BitTorrent, and because it can pull a single film from dozens of computers simultaneously (reassembling the pieces on a user's PC), it's incredibly fast. More important, it turns the economics of file-trading on its head. The most popular files download the fastest and make the lowest demands on the host servers (because there are more computers to download from, and the load is balanced among them). The usual barrier to sharing, say, a prerelease of Return of the King - the fear that greedy downloaders will swamp your PC - is greatly diminished. Huge hard drives are getting so cheap that digital video libraries will soon be commonplace.

The bottom line: The widespread assumption that Hollywood has plenty of time to avoid a music industry-style train wreck may be wrong. What once seemed like a five- or ten-year buffer now looks more like two or three years. Consider yourself warned.

So what should you do? Start by accepting that new technology means a new way of doing business. People will trade more movies, and new releases will leak out. It may never get as bad as music, yet it will certainly get worse than it is today. But look at it another way: The same forces are spontaneously building the best distribution network you can imagine.
Myself predicts the MPAA will act pretty much like the RIAA, but will be pleaseantly surprised if they prove me wrong.

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